Research, Development and Training
Success of a system relies on its pace with future needs. In this regard, P.O.R has established Research, Development and Training Department.
The purpose of this department is to keep the knowledge of personnel up-to-date and, to improve the quality, and to provide education for engineers, supervisors and executive crew.
Training Activities
Some of the training activities carried out & provided are as follow:
- Necessity of geotechnical studies
- Land slides
- Deep excavations
- Urban excavations
- Offshore geotechnics
Research Activities
Some of the research activities include participation in preparation of:
- Dynamic compaction standard
- Urban excavations standard
- Rubble mound breakwaters standard
- Stability of quay walls against earthquake
- Instruction for offshore geotechnical works
Development Activities
Based on its scientific experience and technical knowledge, this consultant makes and develops equipment, some of which are:
- Jack up barge for offshore geotechnical excavation
- Unsaturated triaxial test, direct shear test and permeability test apparatus through Partnership with Tarbiat Modares University
- Large scale triaxial test apparatus
- Rock direct shear test apparatus
- Device for determination of material quality
- Rock uniaxial test apparatus
- Apparatus for testing wave velocity in rock
- Device for measuring temperature and salinity changes with depth at sea
- Incubator for concrete samples with temperature and moisture control
- Tools for boreholes and shear of rock samples
- Common sampling devices in geo- technique
- A device for determining the time of concrete setting (in- situ)
- Drill bits
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